Debra Beckman, MS, CCC-SLP is a Nationally Certified by ASHA, listed in the National Provider Registry (NPI), licensed by the State of Florida and insured.
She was awarded her Bachelor of Science (1974) from Arkansas State University in Jonesboro, AR and Master of Science (1979) from the University of Arkansas Medical Sciences Campus in Little Rock, AR.
Debra Beckman has worked in the field of communicative disorders since 1975, specializing in feeding, oral motor and motor speech disorders. She has worked in a variety of settings, including schools, hospitals, universities, trauma centers, home-bound, foster homes, group homes, Intermediate Care Facilities for individuals with intellectual impairment (ICF-IID), nursing homes and large residential facilities. She has served as a court appointed witness and as a resource content expert for seven federal court cases, regarding services for the developmentally disabled.
Ms. Beckman has presented at numerous local, state, national and international conferences, and has published articles in professional books, journals, monographs; and in Exceptional Parent magazine. She has published research and assisted others with published research. The newest book is a children’s book, Alligator Alphabet (see the web site She has been awarded 3 United States patents for therapeutic equipment, including the Beckman Tri-Chew, Beckman Professional Oral Probe and the Beckman E-Z spoon. Ms. Beckman has been recognized by her peers and her community for outstanding clinical achievement.
Ms. Beckman specialized in the areas of: